import sys,os
base_dir = '/home/abzoghbi/data/ngc5506/spec_timing_paper'
data_dir = 'data/xmm'
spec_dir = 'data/xmm_spec'
from spec_helpers import *
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
Read useful data from data notebook
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, data_dir))
data = np.load('log/data.npz')
obsids = data['obsids']
spec_obsids = [i for i in obsids]
spec_data = data['spec_data']
spec_ids = [i+1 for i,o in enumerate(obsids) if o in spec_obsids]
nspec = len(spec_ids)
Move the spectra to one location
os.system('mkdir -p %s'%spec_dir)
for o in spec_obsids:
os.system('cp %s/%s/%s/pn/spec/spec_* .'%(base_dir, data_dir, o))
os.system('cp %s/%s/%s/rgs/spec_rgs* .'%(base_dir, data_dir, o))
Plot The spectra
- plot the unfolded spectra from all the 9 datasets.
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
os.system('mkdir -p results/spec')
nspec = len(spec_obsids)
tcl = 'source ~/codes/xspec/az.tcl\n'
for ispec in spec_ids:
tcl += ('da spec_%d.grp\n'
'ign 0.0-.3,10.-**\nsetpl ener\n'
'az_plot_unfold u tmp_%d pn_%d\n')%((ispec,)*3)
with open('tmp.xcm', 'w') as fp: fp.write(tcl)
cmd = 'xspec - tmp.xcm > tmp.log 2>&1'['/bin/bash', '-i', '-c', cmd])
os.system('cat tmp_*plot > results/spec/spec_unfold.plot')
os.system('rm tmp_*plot tmp.???')
The energy of the FeK line
- Fitting is done with
- It uses
- fix sigma of gaussian because it interferes with othe features
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
os.system('mkdir -p fits')
fit_1 = fit_xspec_model('fit_1', spec_ids, base_dir)
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, fit_1[:,2,0], fit_1[:,2,1], fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
plt.plot([0,9], [6.4]*2, lw=0.5)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f864dbb9390>]
_ = az.misc.simple_fit(np.array(spec_ids), fit_1[:,2,0], fit_1[:,2,1], 'const')
# fit(const): chi2( 27.8) pval(0.000521) conf( 0.999) sigma( 3.47)
# 6.4 (0.00548)
Consistent with 6.4 keV
: Iron Edge at 7 keV: Model with zedge
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_2 = fit_xspec_model('fit_2', spec_ids, base_dir)
# plot the result #
par_names = ['edg_e', 'edg_tau', 'gam', 'pnorm', 'gen', 'gnorm']
fit = fit_2
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
idx = [0,1,2,3,4,5]; iref = 1
for i,ix in enumerate(idx):
ax = plt.subplot(2,len(idx)//2,i+1)
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, fit[:,ix,0], fit[:,ix,1], xerr=fit[:,iref,1],
fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel('index'); ax.set_ylabel(par_names[ix])
_ = az.misc.simple_fit(np.array(spec_ids), fit[:,ix,0], fit[:,ix,1], 'const')
# fit(const): chi2( 9.21) pval( 0.325) conf( 0.675) sigma( 0.984)
# 7.17 (0.0074)
# fit(const): chi2( 5.35) pval(0.7199) conf( 0.28) sigma( 0.359)
# 0.236 (0.00388)
# fit(const): chi2( 71.1) pval(2.945e-12) conf( 1.0) sigma( 6.98)
# 1.32 (0.0184)
# fit(const): chi2(7.45e+02) pval( 0.0) conf( 1.0) sigma( inf)
# 0.0104 (0.00124)
# fit(const): chi2( 23.3) pval(0.002981) conf( 0.997) sigma( 2.97)
# 6.4 (0.00298)
# fit(const): chi2( 5.36) pval( 0.719) conf( 0.281) sigma( 0.36)
# 5.79e-05 (1.15e-06)
- Edge energy consistent with neutral iron
- $\tau$ appears to be constant
- Energy of the line consistent with 6.4 keV; no gain problems
Calculate the mean and fractional variability
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
# read the spectra from spec_unfold.plot
lines = open('results/spec/spec_unfold.plot', 'r').readlines()
spectra = []
for k,g in groupby(lines, lambda x: x=='\n' or x[0] == 'd'):
g = list(g)
if len(g) < 5: continue
spec = np.array([l.split() for l in g], np.double)
if spec.shape[1] != 1: spectra.append(spec)
# map the spectra to a single energy grid
en, ene = spectra[0][:,[0,1]].T
egrid = np.array([en-ene, en+ene]).T
en_new, spectra_new = spec_common_grid(spectra, egrid)
mse = np.sum(spectra_new[:,1]**2, 0)/nspec
mean_spec = np.c_[spectra_new[:,0].mean(0), (mse/nspec)**0.5].T
fvar = (np.var(spectra_new[:,0], 0, ddof=1) - mse)**0.5 / mean_spec[0]
fvar_e = ((mse/((2*nspec)**0.5 * mean_spec[0]**2 * fvar))**2 +
fvar = np.c_[fvar, fvar_e].T
# plot the spectra
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
ax[0].errorbar(en_new[0], mean_spec[0], mean_spec[1], alpha=0.5)
ax[1].errorbar(en_new[0], fvar[0], fvar[1], alpha=0.5)
# write the results #
text = '\ndescriptor en,+- spec_mean,+- spec_fvar,+- %s\n'%(' '.join(
['spec_%d,+-'%(i+1) for i in range(nspec)]))
text += '\n'.join(['{} {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format(en_new[0,i], en_new[1,i],
mean_spec[0,i], mean_spec[1,i], fvar[0,i], fvar[1,i],
' '.join(['{} {}'.format(spectra_new[ii,0,i], spectra_new[ii,1,i])
for ii in range(nspec)])) for i in range(en_new.shape[1])])
with open('results/spec/fvar.plot', 'w') as fp: fp.write(text)
Do line scan after adding xillver: 0.3-10 keV
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_xspec_model('fit_3', spec_ids, base_dir, read_fit=False, parallel=False)
# process the scan files using script
suff = '3'
os.system(' fit_%s__*scan'%suff)
os.system('mkdir -p ../results/scan')
os.system('mv veusz/*plot ../results/scan')
os.system('mv combined*plot ../results/scan/combined_scan_%s.2d.plot'%suff)
os.system('rm -r veusz')
Do line scan after adding xillver: 2-10 keV
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_xspec_model('fit_3a', spec_ids, base_dir, read_fit=False, parallel=False)
# do fake simulations to get the data chi2 distribution to use instead of fstat
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_xspec_model('fit_3a_sim', spec_ids, base_dir, read_fit=False, ext_check='sim')
# process the scan files using script
suff = '3a'
os.system(' fit_%s__*scan'%suff)
os.system('mkdir -p ../results/scan')
os.system('mv veusz/*plot ../results/scan')
os.system('mv combined*plot ../results/scan/combined_scan_%s.2d.plot'%suff)
os.system('rm -r veusz')
: Xillver + broad gaussian
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_4 = fit_xspec_model('fit_4', spec_ids, base_dir)
# plot the result #
par_names = ['gnh', 'nh', 'gam', 'pnorm', 'xnorm', 'gen', 'gsig', 'gnorm', 'kt', 'bnorm']
fit = fit_4
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
idx = [0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9]; iref = 3
for i,ix in enumerate(idx):
ax = plt.subplot(2,len(idx)//2+1,i+1)
plt.errorbar(fit[:,iref,0], fit[:,ix,0], fit[:,ix,1], xerr=fit[:,iref,1],
fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel(par_names[iref]); ax.set_ylabel(par_names[ix])
# write the residuals #
write_resid(base_dir, spec_ids, '4', '', -1, avg_bin=True, outdir='results/spec')
: Use fluxes in fit_4
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_4a = fit_xspec_model('fit_4a', spec_ids, base_dir)
# plot the result #
par_names = ['gnh', 'nh', 'pflx', 'gam', 'xflx', 'gflx', 'gen', 'gsig', 'kt', 'bnorm']
fit = fit_4a
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
idx = [0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; iref = 2
for i,ix in enumerate(idx):
ax = plt.subplot(2,len(idx)//2+1,i+1)
plt.errorbar(fit[:,iref,0], fit[:,ix,0], fit[:,ix,1], xerr=fit[:,iref,1],
fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel(par_names[iref]); ax.set_ylabel(par_names[ix])
# correlation between the line flux and the total flux
x, xe = fit[:,2,0], fit[:,2,1]
y, ye = fit[:,5,0], fit[:,5,1]
nsim, ndata = (1000, len(x))
X = np.random.randn(nsim, ndata)*xe + x
Y = np.random.randn(nsim, ndata)*ye + y
sr = np.median([st.spearmanr(x,y)[0] for x,y in zip(X, Y)])
ttest = sr*np.sqrt((ndata-2)/(1-sr*sr))
tprob = 1-st.t.cdf(ttest, df=ndata-2)
print(sr, ttest, tprob)
0.65 2.263009527424072 0.02903652900857434
: Xillver + 2 narrow gaussians
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_5 = fit_xspec_model('fit_5', spec_ids, base_dir)
# plot the result #
par_names = ['gnh', 'nh', 'gam', 'pnorm', 'xnorm', 'g1en', 'g1n', 'g2en', 'g2n', 'kt', 'bnorm']
fit = fit_5
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
idx = [0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; iref = 3
for i,ix in enumerate(idx):
ax = plt.subplot(2,len(idx)//2,i+1)
plt.errorbar(fit[:,iref,0], fit[:,ix,0], fit[:,ix,1], xerr=fit[:,iref,1],
fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel(par_names[iref]); ax.set_ylabel(par_names[ix])
: Use fluxes in fit_5
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_5a = fit_xspec_model('fit_5a', spec_ids, base_dir)
# plot the result #
par_names = ['gnh', 'nh', 'pflx', 'gam', 'xflx', 'g1flx', 'g1e', 'g2flx', 'g2e', 'kt', 'bnorm']
fit = fit_5a
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
idx = [0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; iref = 2
for i,ix in enumerate(idx):
ax = plt.subplot(2,len(idx)//2,i+1)
plt.errorbar(fit[:,iref,0], fit[:,ix,0], fit[:,ix,1], xerr=fit[:,iref,1],
fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel(par_names[iref]); ax.set_ylabel(par_names[ix])
# Line fluxes against a constant hypothesis
_ = az.misc.simple_fit(fit[:,2,0], fit[:,5,0], fit[:,5,1], 'const')
_ = az.misc.simple_fit(fit[:,2,0], fit[:,7,0], fit[:,7,1], 'const')
# fit(const): chi2( 47.2) pval(1.406e-07) conf( 1.0) sigma( 5.26)
# -12.5 ( 0.052)
# fit(const): chi2( 12.6) pval(0.1248) conf( 0.875) sigma( 1.53)
# -12.6 (0.0343)
# correlation between the sum of line fluxes and the total flux
x, xe = fit[:,2,0], fit[:,2,1]
y, ye = fit[:,5,0], fit[:,5,1]
nsim, ndata = (1000, len(x))
X = np.random.randn(nsim, ndata)*xe + x
Y = np.random.randn(nsim, ndata)*ye + y
sr = np.median([st.spearmanr(x,y)[0] for x,y in zip(X, Y)])
ttest = sr*np.sqrt((ndata-2)/(1-sr*sr))
tprob = 1-st.t.cdf(ttest, df=ndata-2)
print(sr, ttest, tprob)
0.5666666666666667 1.8196058996701914 0.05581649380574549
The flux of the two lines/broad line are correlated with the continuum flux, and independent of the FeK alpha/beta line. This suggests they are indeed due to a broad line.
: Fit relxill
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_6 = fit_xspec_model('fit_6', spec_ids, base_dir)
# plot the result #
par_names = ['gnh', 'nh', 'q', 'incl', 'rin', 'gam', 'xi', 'rnrm', 'pnrm', 'xnrm',
'kt', 'bnorm']
fit = fit_6
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
idx = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11]; iref = 8
for i,ix in enumerate(idx):
ax = plt.subplot(2,len(idx)//2+1,i+1)
plt.errorbar(fit[:,iref,0], fit[:,ix,0], fit[:,ix,1], xerr=fit[:,iref,1],
fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel(par_names[iref]); ax.set_ylabel(par_names[ix])
: Similar to fit_6
but fit all the data together.
A few notes:
can probably be fixed.q
is hardly constrained. Fix at 3.incl
is mostly 40, except for three cases where the errors are large.rin
can in principle change.xi
appears to be mostly at 3 or above. spec_4 is low, but steppar gives a solution at 3 that has dchi^2 of only 3.
: Similar to fit_7
but for 2-10 keV.
# final fit is fit_8e
# plot variable parameters
fit_8e = np.loadtxt('fits/fit_8e.log', usecols=[0,1,2,3]) # shape=(46,4)
fit = fit_8e[[0,4,6,7]+list(range(9,45)),:] # 45 because the last param is nu constant factor
fit = fit.reshape((10,4,4)) # (nobs, npar:nh,gam,rnorm,pnorm, p+err)
text = 'descriptor id iobs nh,+,- gam,+,- rnorm,+,- pnorm,+,-\n'
iobs = ['%d'%(i+1) for i in range(9)] + ['nu']
text+= '\n'.join(['%d "%s" %s'%(i+1, iobs[i], ' '.join(['%g %g %g'%(x[0], x[1], x[2])
for x in fit[i,:, [0,2,3]].T])) for i in range(10)])
with open('results/spec/fit_8e.plot', 'w') as fp: fp.write(text)
!ls results/spec
fit_4.plot fontconfig fvar.plot fvar_wspec.pdf spec_unfold.plot
fit.vsz fvar.pdf fvar.vsz spec_unfold.pdf spec_unfold.vsz