
import sys,os
base_dir = '/u/home/abzoghbi/data/ngc4151/spec_analysis'
from spec_helpers import *
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Read useful data from data notebook

# define and read some useful descriptive information #
data_dir = 'data/xmm'
spec_dir = 'data/xmm_spec'
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, data_dir))
data = np.load('log/data.npz')
spec_obsids = data['spec_obsids']
obsids = data['obsids']
spec_data = data['spec_data']
spec_ids = [i+1 for i,o in enumerate(obsids) if o in spec_obsids]

Move the spectra to one location

if not os.path.exists(spec_dir):
    os.system('mkdir -p %s'%spec_dir)
    for o in spec_obsids:
        os.system('cp %s/%s/%s/pn/spec/spec_* .'%(base_dir, data_dir, o))
        os.system('cp %s/%s/%s/mos/spec/spec_* .'%(base_dir, data_dir, o))
        os.system('cp %s/%s/%s/rgs/spec_rgs* .'%(base_dir, data_dir, o))

The energy of the FeK line

PN spectra

os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
os.system('mkdir -p fits')
fit_1 = fit_xspec_model('fit_1', spec_ids, base_dir, '_pn')
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, fit_1[:,2,0], fit_1[:,2,1], fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
plt.plot([0,25], [6.4]*2, lw=0.5)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f84200c3a20>]


MOS Spectra

do mos-2 only, as mos-1 has some missing spectra, and the gain appear to be wrong too.

os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_1_m2 = fit_xspec_model('fit_1', spec_ids, base_dir, '_m2', spec_root='spec_m2_%d.grp')
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, fit_1[:,2,0], fit_1[:,2,1], fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, fit_1_m2[:,2,0], fit_1_m2[:,2,1], fmt='s', ms=8, lw=0.5)
plt.plot([0,25], [6.4]*2, lw=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Obs num'); _=plt.ylabel('Line Energy (keV)')


The mos-2 data is more consistent with 6.4. The PN is affected by gain
# save some of these results #
os.system('mkdir -p results/prepare')
text = 'descriptor iobs id en_pn,+- en_m2,+-\n'
text += '\n'.join(['{:5} {:5} {:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4}'.format(i, spec_ids[i], 
            fit_1[i,2,0], fit_1[i,2,1], fit_1_m2[i,2,0], fit_1_m2[i,2,1]) 
            for i in range(len(fit_1))])
with open('results/prepare/line_en.plot', 'w') as fp: fp.write(text)

Track the soft lines too

os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
soft_spec_pn = fit_xspec_model('fit_1a', spec_ids, base_dir, '_pn')
soft_spec_m2 = fit_xspec_model('fit_1a', spec_ids, base_dir, '_m2', spec_root='spec_m2_%d.grp')
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, soft_spec_pn[:,2,0], soft_spec_pn[:,2,1], fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, soft_spec_m2[:,2,0], soft_spec_m2[:,2,1], fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, soft_spec_pn[:,4,0], soft_spec_pn[:,4,1], fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
plt.errorbar(spec_ids, soft_spec_m2[:,4,0], soft_spec_m2[:,4,1], fmt='o', ms=8, lw=0.5)
<ErrorbarContainer object of 3 artists>


# save some of these results #
text = '\ndescriptor en_pn_s1,+- en_pn_s2,+- en_m2_s1,+- en_m2_s2,+-\n'
text += '\n'.join(['{:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4} {:8.4}'.format(
        soft_spec_pn[i,2,0], soft_spec_pn[i,2,1], soft_spec_pn[i,4,0], soft_spec_pn[i,4,1],
        soft_spec_m2[i,2,0], soft_spec_m2[i,2,1], soft_spec_m2[i,4,0], soft_spec_m2[i,4,1]) 
            for i in range(len(soft_spec_pn))])
with open('results/prepare/line_en.plot', 'a') as fp: fp.write(text)

PN and MOS are consistent in the soft band, hence gain correction is needed

Finding Gain Correction

We use linear function that corrects the energy of the FeK line and leaves the soft energies (we use 0.9 keV) unchanged.

# soft_en = 0.9
# slopes  = (pn_spec[:,2,0] - soft_en) / (6.4 - soft_en)
# offsets = soft_en - soft_en*slopes
# plt.subplot(211); plt.plot(spec_ids, slopes, 'o-')
# plt.subplot(212); plt.plot(spec_ids, offsets, 'o-')

Regroup RGS spectra

os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
for ispec in spec_ids:
    cmd  = 'export HEADASNOQUERY=;export HEADASPROMPT=/dev/null;'
    cmd += ('ftgrouppha spec_rgs_{0}.grp spec_rgs_{0}.g snmin 6').format(ispec)
    p =['/bin/bash', '-i', '-c', cmd])

Fit the RGS spectrra: fit_gain_1

os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
fit_xspec_model('fit_gain_1', spec_ids, base_dir, spec_root='spec_rgs_%d.g', read_fit=False)

Use rgs model in PN to obtain the gain: fit_gain_2

# run in serial, because xspec steppar is run in parallel.
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
for ispec in spec_ids:
    if not os.path.exists('fits/fit_gain_2g__%s.xcm'%ispec):
        tcl  = 'source %s/fit.tcl\n'%base_dir
        tcl += 'fit_gain_2 %d\nexit\n'%(ispec) 
        xcm = 'tmp_%d.xcm'%ispec
        with open(xcm, 'w') as fp: fp.write(tcl)
        cmd = 'xspec - %s > tmp_%d.log 2>&1'%(xcm, ispec)
        p =['/bin/bash', '-i', '-c', cmd])

# read the gains #
gdata = np.array([np.loadtxt('fits/fit_gain_2g__%d.log'%i) for i in spec_ids])
slopes = gdata[:,-2]
offsets = gdata[:,-1]
plt.subplot(211); plt.plot(spec_ids, slopes, 'o-')
plt.subplot(212); plt.plot(spec_ids, offsets, 'o-')
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f84b3db8cf8>]


Apply the gain to the response files

os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
print('{:5} {:12} {:10} {:10} {:10}'.format('num', 'obsid', 'slope', 'offset', 'apply?'))
for ii,ispec in enumerate(spec_ids):
    #d = np.loadtxt('fits/fit_gain_pn__%dg.log'%ispec)
    slope, offset, apply = slopes[ii], offsets[ii], gdata[ii,-3] < 1
    text = '{:5} {:12} {:10.4} {:10.4} {:10}'.format(
        ispec, spec_obsids[ii], slope, offset, apply)
    # apply gain #
    if not apply: continue
    rmf = 'spec_%d.rmf'%(ispec)
    arf = 'spec_%d.arf'%(ispec)
    # rmf #
    with as fp:
        if not 'GAINPARS' in fp[1].header.keys(): 
            fp[1].data['energ_lo'] = fp[1].data['energ_lo']/slope - offset
            fp[1].data['energ_hi'] = fp[1].data['energ_hi']/slope - offset
            fp[2].data['e_min'] = fp[2].data['e_min']/slope - offset
            fp[2].data['e_max'] = fp[2].data['e_max']/slope - offset
            fp[1].header['GAINPARS'] = '{}, {}'.format(slope, offset)
            os.system('rm %s.shift >/dev/null 2>&1'%rmf)
            os.system('mv %s'%(rmf, rmf))
            os.system('mv %s.shift %s'%(rmf, rmf))
    # arf #
    with as fp:
        if not 'GAINPARS' in fp[1].header.keys(): 
            fp[1].data['energ_lo'] = fp[1].data['energ_lo']/slope - offset
            fp[1].data['energ_hi'] = fp[1].data['energ_hi']/slope - offset
            fp[1].header['GAINPARS'] = '{}, {}'.format(slope, offset)
            os.system('rm %s.shift >/dev/null 2>&1'%arf)
            os.system('mv %s'%(arf, arf))
            os.system('mv %s.shift %s'%(arf, arf))
num   obsid        slope      offset     apply?    
    1 0112310101          1.0     -0.004          1
    2 0112830201          1.0   0.003093          1
    3 0112830501        1.001   0.001058          1
    4 0143500101        1.002  -0.007168          1
    5 0143500201        1.003    -0.0112          1
    6 0143500301        1.005   -0.00936          1
    7 0402660101        1.002  -0.002021          1
    8 0402660201        1.005   -0.01068          1
   10 0657840301        1.005   -0.01379          1
   11 0657840401        1.006  -0.008874          1
   12 0679780101        1.004    0.00312          1
   13 0679780201        1.003  -0.005462          1
   15 0679780401        1.007   -0.01226          1
   16 0761670101        1.009   -0.00496          1
   17 0761670201        1.011  -0.006429          1
   18 0761670301        1.009  -0.008327          1
   19 0761670401         1.01  -0.004856          1
   20 0761670501        1.011   -0.01301          1
   21 0761670601         1.01   -0.00703          1
   22 0761670701         1.01  -0.009841          1
   23 0761670801        1.009  -0.005254          1
   24 0761670901        1.009  -0.009328          1
# group spectra optimally using ftgrouppha
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
for ispec in spec_ids:
    cmd = 'export HEADASNOQUERY=;export HEADASPROMPT=/dev/null;'
    cmd += 'ftgrouppha spec_{0}.grp tmp_{0}.grp opt respfile=spec_{0}.rmf;'.format(ispec)
    cmd += 'mv tmp_{0}.grp spec_{0}.grp'.format(ispec)
    _ = os.system(cmd)


### Read useful data from data notebook
data_dir = 'data/xmm'
subspec_dir = 'data/xmm_subspec'
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, data_dir))
data = np.load('log/data.npz')
iselect = data['tselect_ispec']

Move the files to one location

### Read useful data from data notebook
os.system('mkdir -p %s/%s'%(base_dir, subspec_dir))
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, subspec_dir))
os.system('for i in `find ../xmm|grep subspec$`;do cp $i/spec* .;done')

Apply gain

os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, subspec_dir))
for ii,idx in enumerate(spec_ids):
    slope, offset, apply = slopes[ii], offsets[ii], True
    # apply gain #
    for ispec in iselect[ii]:
        rmf = 'spec_%d.rmf'%(ispec)
        arf = 'spec_%d.arf'%(ispec)

        # rmf #
        with as fp:
            if not 'GAINPARS' in fp[1].header.keys(): 
                fp[1].data['energ_lo'] = fp[1].data['energ_lo']/slope - offset
                fp[1].data['energ_hi'] = fp[1].data['energ_hi']/slope - offset
                fp[2].data['e_min'] = fp[2].data['e_min']/slope - offset
                fp[2].data['e_max'] = fp[2].data['e_max']/slope - offset
                fp[1].header['GAINPARS'] = '{}, {}'.format(slope, offset)
                os.system('rm %s.shift >/dev/null 2>&1'%rmf)
                os.system('mv %s'%(rmf, rmf))
                os.system('mv %s.shift %s'%(rmf, rmf))
        # arf #
        with as fp:
            if not 'GAINPARS' in fp[1].header.keys(): 
                fp[1].data['energ_lo'] = fp[1].data['energ_lo']/slope - offset
                fp[1].data['energ_hi'] = fp[1].data['energ_hi']/slope - offset
                fp[1].header['GAINPARS'] = '{}, {}'.format(slope, offset)
                os.system('rm %s.shift >/dev/null 2>&1'%arf)
                os.system('mv %s'%(arf, arf))
                os.system('mv %s.shift %s'%(arf, arf))

Move Suzaku & NuSTAR data to the same location too

suz_dir = 'data/suzaku'
nu_dir = 'data/nustar'
os.chdir('%s/%s'%(base_dir, spec_dir))
for o in glob.glob('%s/%s/*_p'%(base_dir, suz_dir)):
    os.system('cp %s/spec/spec*fi* .'%o)
for o in glob.glob('%s/%s/*_p'%(base_dir, nu_dir)):
    os.system('cp %s/spec/spec*.??? .'%o)